Welcome to our allergy-friendly, organic-oriented, labor-conscious blog. We aren't perfect or pure. We value conversation and action that lead to more insight, more depth, more love, and more justice.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Community Garden

I think our town is going to start a community garden. I'm totally excited! We just need to find/decide on some land. The idea, though, of a community garden has prompted me to think, of course, "What is the purpose of a community garden?"

On one level, it's a great leap forward toward ethical eating to have people come together and decide that they want to dedicate community space to growing healthy food. Together. It's communal, it's healthy, it says the land is important. It's local, it reduces our carbon footprint...

On another level, is it enough simply to have a garden in a community? Should it serve other ethical purposes? Should we have any goals in addition to feeding ourselves and our families? How else can a community garden feed "the common good"? How can it "nurture" the community in larger ways?

These are the questions I hope our community will discuss in the upcoming months...more to come on how the conversation goes.

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