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Friday, March 26, 2010

Thought of the Day: Home Economics 101

Did you have Home Ec. in high school? I’m beginning to think that we have done/are doing a disservice to most of our kids and families by not teaching everyone Home Economics. True Home Economics: how to run the economy of the home. How to make, cook, grow, buy, contribute and build community relationships—things that make a healthy, ethical (more local) economy possible.

Did we feminists throw the baby out with the bath water by arguing that we women didn’t need to know these things? We would “work,” of course, and pay other people to tend to our basic needs. What happens when we can’t work, or choose to raise a family and work within the home economy? Well, we have to educate ourselves.


Heather Solos said...

I wouldn't chalk it up to the feminist movement. It's a multi-faceted issue. High school used to prepare students for adult life, as more kids went on to college before marrying less emphasis was placed on life skills. Throw in budget cuts, corporate marketing, two-income lifestyles for the last couple generations and it's hard to lay it on the feet of just one cause.
Just know you're not the only one mulling this over.

I'm Alex...and "Chef Mom." said...

Thanks, Heather. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one thinking about this! I appreciate the thoughtfulness you are giving to the situation in which so many of us find ourselves.