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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Corny pecans!

My youngest son and I had a bad reaction a week and a half ago. Until today, I had not been able to figure it out. I had a hypothesis, but the evidence has been unfurling throughout the week.

I knew that MY reaction came from pecans. I ate them, and I felt the lump in my throat growing. (I used to think everyone had that practically permanent lump in their throats!) I started to worry, but thought I would wait it out and see how it would go.

These pecans had been in the freezer for at least six months. THERE WAS A REASON! I must have eaten a few once (the bag was almost full), questioned their safety, and thrown them in the freezer. Should have labeled them "TOM ONLY."

I DO know that nuts are often coated with zein (it's an edible film), but it's one of those things you can kind of forget. Well, today I researched zein. Surely if the concept takes up more space in my brain I won't be able to forget!

In case you are curious, zein is the most prevalent protein in corn, making up 3.6% of its dry weight. I know this because a lab at the University of Illinois is heralding its comeback for many more uses (think compostable dishes and plastic wrap-type films). Apparently when extracted from corn, zein is a great water barrier!

These nuts must have been coated with zein... The real revelation, though, is that now, I know for sure, that my littlest boy, too, has the corn allergy. I racked my brain thinking of any other new food we ate that day. Nothing but the pecans! Poor boy, he was miserable all night...I guess it's good to know.

By the way, we aren't allergic to pecans. We ate raw organic pecan butter all summer with no problem. I had some left in the fridge that I hadn't eaten since fall. I ate a lot of it for breakfast and I feel fine...totally normal.

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