Welcome to our allergy-friendly, organic-oriented, labor-conscious blog. We aren't perfect or pure. We value conversation and action that lead to more insight, more depth, more love, and more justice.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Imagining a new farm future...

As you can see from the comment on my last post, Ian is a super-gracious guy...AND he has a truck farm. Do you even know what a truck farm is?

The truck farm is literally a farm in the back of a truck. I'm going to attempt to link to Ian's short video about the truck farm on his website to give you the idea. (Click on the title of this post to go to "wickedelicate.com.")

By the way, my kids think this is the coolest thing...they might be disappointed if we get a garden planted in the ground! Just kidding, they are way excited about digging in the dirt. And as we saw last summer in our friends' gardens, they will eat anything that comes right off the plant. (They might regret that choice they made to eat the banana peppers but not the handful of raspberries growing by the side of the street in New Jersey. Mmmm...)

So, if we can't find appropriate land/decide on appropriate land for the community garden, I'm off to buy a used pick-up truck (Can you believe that Brian E.?). Might have to take a trip back to see some friends in central PA, and maybe Exeter will have a roving community garden. Can you imagine the possibilities? We could at least make the rounds to all the local preschools!

Ian's truck farm is also a CSA. He lives in something of an urban food desert and sells small shares to neighbors. I also think the truck farm would be great for someone who is unsure whether they will be moving across town mid-season. Take the farm with you! Might it also be possible to take it on a summer trip...we could have some good tomatoes if we showed up in Atlanta for a couple weeks this summer!

My imagination runs wild, I hope yours does, too...


Brian said...

I am fully in support of you purchasing a used pick up truck, just for the record...

iMollie said...

I'm surprised you didn't tell her it had to be a F150, Brian. Hooray for truck farms!

Unknown said...

Alex, these are wonderful! I've enjoyed reading them and they make me think--I'll help spread the word.